Wednesday, June 20, 2007

In My Mother's Absence...Lots of Work

Mother Terees has been missing for quite some time. I've heard many rumors about where she might be and the reasons behind her lengthy absence, but most are sheer rubbish. My favorite is that she fled to her realm to bear a child of Father Roadius. No question, she holds a special place in her heart for that impish rogue Father, but it would be the antithesis of both wisdom and harmony to consort with one of the Fathers at such a time as this.

All the Shadow Guard has been barred from her realm for an undetermined time, so we drive each other half-mad in the Cave of Lost Shadows or try to keep busy elsewhere. I'd prefer to be elsewhere as there is only so much of The Enlightened One's prattle one can take. He's definitely Enlightened, but he asks more questions than he answers, a most infuriating way to hold a conversation. Still, it's my turn to guard the chatty one, so I shall catch up on some of the scrolls I've been meaning to write. I've still not told the tale of Jaedin and Jira's search for a cure for Celantrophy. I'm almost tempted to use the Thought Recorder spell, but the old fashioned part of me hates to break the pen on scroll tradition. It's not like I don't have a few moons to pass here anyway.

Well, if I am to get anything done, I'd best stop talking about work and get to it.


Siberlee said...

Oh I can not wait to read more about Jira and Jaedin! They are both of a kind soul and are part of my family of what is "good".

Unknown said...

They're certainly good people. If there were more in this world like them, we'd be better off. As is, I'm sure such people exist; they're just hiding for one reason or another.