Monday, July 16, 2007

Consumed with the Quest

The prologue of Quest for Celnadon officially showed it's little face over at Mernac sometime last week. Leap of Faith, as this baby is called, should mark the beginning of many many weeks of stories. I'm not sure how many chapters it will take me to describe everything I've seen and heard or swiped from the Watchers' notes. Grath, funny little fellow that he is, proved most useful in this particular endeavor. I've had little luck convincing him of what century we're in, but that's not a big deal.

It's just as well I'm stuck in the Cave of Shadows compiling my notes and organizing my thoughts and generally abusing the Thought Recorder Spell. In all my many missions, I've hardly put my poor body through so much in so short a time... emotions too for that matter. No wonder Mother Terees suggested I take two moons to recover before even attempting another mission.

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