Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Who would you like to have dinner with?

Quont, Mernac's God of Lust: Question of the Week – 9

Arleas - *grumbles* why can I only pick one? I would love to have a pleasant dinner chat with Traesha. If I recall correctly, the last conversation I had with her had us on the opposite sides of weapons after she'd tried to seduce my Shadow Guard brother, Shanyaks. See, now such hostilities aren't always the way things need to go. Just a nice dinner, no swords, would be lovely, for she is a wonderful person. We probably would have come to sword blows too if Ryna hadn't gotten all jealous and shown up then. Kidding, sis, you know you don't always have to practice Complete Attraction on poor Shanyaks.

Terees - I'd like to meet with my brother Quont. He's always been good with making anyone feel special. That quality has not diminished over the seasons. There's still good in him, as there is evil in me, and so holds the balance in all the Mothers and Fathers. My deepest desire, that which drives me, is to unite the gods once again, like in the days of old. I must find the balance, and I feel Quont would have some answers I seek. He, of course, would probably try to tease out the little sanity I have left and dig for answers to our plans - that is the grand plans the Mothers have for Mernac - but fair is fair and flowing information might just mend some of these millenia old schisms.

Me - Rick. Oh wait, did that:-) Again. Well, then I'd have to say The Other. There must be balance, dontcha know.

1 comment:

Traesha/Kachinadoll said...

I would be happy to share a quiet dinner with Arleas! Give me a chance to rest from all of my seductions. Plus she is quite the character and I know I would be entertained!